Kashu | Enemy Territory Ultimate Installer | Movie Making | PunkBuster

Enemy Territory Ultimate Installer is a very simple installer that gathers all you need to play to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. With the regular files, you need at least 3 steps to install version 2.60b. With ET Ultimate Installer, there's only one file to download and all the files needed will be installed in a few seconds.
It is especially made for all the beginners and for people who want to (re)install ET quickly and easily. It's faster and easier to use than the usual installers! You will get the latest patch, the maps most commonly used (at least in competition), the most played mods, etc. Why not trying it then? ;)
- The game Enemy Territory (for Windows)
- The latest 2.60b patch
- The latest version of PunkBuster (December 9, 2009)
- It may not be the latest version anymore. However, PunkBuster should updates itself while playing. If not, consider updating PunkBuster manually with PBSetup.
- The most played mods:
- A nice and simple .cfg adapted to the latest ClanBase Cvar restrictions (March 2009)
- And many maps
Show the full readme file
Maps included:
- Adlernest
- Battery
- Braundorf_b4
- Bremen_b2
- ET_beach
- ET_ice
- Frostbite
- Fueldump
- Goldrush
- Karsiah_te2
- Missile_b3
- Railgun
- Reactor_final
- Siwa oasis
- Sp_delivery_te
- Supply
- Sw_battery
- Sw_goldrush_te
- Tc_base
- Te_valhalla
- Tournementdm2
- Würzburg radar
Good links:
Q: "Empty cd key is not allowed on this server".
A : Find the answer here.
Q: Changes made in the game aren't saved when i restart the game.
A: Remove the file autoexec.cfg from the etmain directory.
Q: I don't have the latest version of PunkBuster and i'm getting kicked.
A: Consider updating PunkBuster manually. PunkBuster is designed to keep itself up to date using its auto-update system. For cases where the auto-update fails, there is a utility called PBSetup.
Q: Can I make my own installer?
A: Yes, just download the sources and if you know how NSIS works, then you can make your own installer easily.
- Version 1.6 final (december 28, 2009)
- Added TJMod 1.6.3
- Updated NoQuarter to v1.2.7, added the latest ETPub nighlty build (20090912)
- Updated PB to v2.213
- Small update to Omni-bot (manage_server.gm)
- Added an option to choose wether to install PB or not
- Added an option to choose wether to install custom maps or not
- Added map missile_b3
- CFG:
- Now the default source for the ingame browser is Online and not Local
- Changed dead links
- Added an option to make the binds the ones that come by default with ET
- Bug fix: required size displayed by the installer was wrong
- Bug fix: start menu shortcuts were not removed correctly under Vista/7
- Minor changes
- Version 1.6 beta
- Removed autoexec.cfg. Ingame changes should now be saved
- Maps:
- Removed HoG_b12_dt, sottevast_b3, sw_oasis_b3, wolken1_final
- sp_delivery_te replaces sp_delivery2
- Added sw_battery
- Modified cfg (more default binds, following latest CB restrictions)
- Updated NoQuarter to v1.2.3
- Updated PB to v2.153
- Added Omni-Bot 0.71
- Added start menu shortcuts to launch particular mods (launch a 6o6 match against bots for example)
- Modified installer (screenshots for the choice of cfg for example)
- Automated widescreen detection and adapting FOV for 16/9 & 16/10 resolutions
- Bug fix: some nicknames entered during install generated invalid nicknames in the cfg file
- Bug fix: ETPro installed even if not selected
- Version 1.5 (September 20, 2007)
- Added bremen_b1 (b2 is still there)
- Added maps tournementdm2 & te_valhalla (1v1 maps)
- Added spawn selector & class selector (CFG)
- Updated Jaymod to version 2.1.7
- Updated Punkbuster to v1.738 (September 5, 2007)
- Added an option that adapts the fov to wide screen resolutions (needs to be selected during the install)
- Link to ET Server Viewer's website at the end of the install
- Minor installer changes
- Version 1.4 (August 25, 2007)
- Added the following mods:
- ETPub 0.8.1 & Client 20070801
- Jaymod 2.1.6
- No Quarter 1.1.1
- You can select which mods you want to be installed
- Added the server files to the mods (so you can create your own server)
- Punkbuster Client updated to v1.731 (August 23, 2007)
- Support of all the resolutions (not only the one proposed by ET)
- Automatic detection of your current resolution during the installation
- Removed some useless files
- Changes in the CFGs
- Both: s_khz 22, com_soundMegs 48
- Version 1.3 (August 6, 2007)
- Wolken1_final replaces wolken1_b1.
- Removed Reactor_final.
- Some changes in the CFGs and the installer (better handling of the user's choices, better translations, punkbuster license, and many other small changes to make it easier to use and to prevent errors).
- Version 1.2 (July 12, 2007)
- Choose between a cfg with good graphics and one made for competition.
- Choose your resolution and nickname during the setup.
- New languages for the installer (french & english).
- Replaced the map bremen_b1 by bremen_b2.
- Some small changes in the installer and the CFGs.
- Version 1.1
(June 05, 2007)
- Added a real installer.
- Removed the map Sp_delivery2.
- Removed ETServerViewer from the install.
- Removed some useless files.
- Registry keys integrated, which make it easier to use with the original patches and programs such as All Seeing Eye.
- Version 1.0 (May 31, 2007)
v1.6 (339 MB)
MD5 checksum: 7DEBB30B4AFC578B4493DB1155A46214
If you see anything wrong or if you think there is something missing, please tell me.
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